#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// generate next combination via index
// pick k number from S={0, 1, ..., n-1}
// index is an accending array with size k, which elements belongs to S
// index will be modified to the next combination and return true
// if index is the last combination, or prerequisition fails
// index remains and return false
template<class RandomAccessIterator, typename uint=unsigned>
bool next_combination(RandomAccessIterator index, uint k, uint n) {
auto &last = index[k-1];
if (last >= n) return false;
if (last < n - 1) {
return true;
if (k == 1) return false;
uint i = k - 2;
while (i > 0 && index[i] == index[i+1] - 1) --i;
if (i == 0 && index[i] == index[i+1] - 1) return false;
while (++i < k) {
index[i] = index[i-1] + 1;
return true;
#include "next_combination.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> v({13, 28, 50, 64, 79});
vector<unsigned> vi({0,1,2});
cout << "data: ";
for (auto &x: v) {
cout << x << " ";
cout << endl;
do {
for (auto &i: vi) {
cout << "["<< i << "] " << v[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
} while (next_combination(vi.begin(), 3, 5));
return 0;
data: 13 28 50 64 79
[0] 13 [1] 28 [2] 50
[0] 13 [1] 28 [3] 64
[0] 13 [1] 28 [4] 79
[0] 13 [2] 50 [3] 64
[0] 13 [2] 50 [4] 79
[0] 13 [3] 64 [4] 79
[1] 28 [2] 50 [3] 64
[1] 28 [2] 50 [4] 79
[1] 28 [3] 64 [4] 79
[2] 50 [3] 64 [4] 79